Former WWE star Enzo Amore (aka nZo, aka Real1) told Wrestling Shoot Interviews the following story about the time he was fired and fined $250 by WWE because of an extremely loud fart. This happened back when he and Big Cass were in NXT, well before they got called up to the main roster on the Raw after WrestleMania 32:
“I farted in a Dusty Rhodes promo class, to which Dusty Rhodes kicked me out of it. Got me fired that night. Called up Triple H in the morning and got me rehired. Then I got fined for farting. I got taken off shows, and I think me and Big Cass went on a losing streak for a while in NXT.
…It was the loudest fart I’ve ever ripped in my entire life, but that’s because I thought it was going to be my promo. And I just, like, ricocheted it off the metal chair I was sitting in, and it just blasted off of it. It came out like a duck quack. Man, I thought that Dusty would think it was funny ‘cause Baron Corbin was up there cutting a terrible promo, so I just raised my hand and farted. I thought…that would be my promo, like I wouldn’t need to cut one.”
Why am I relaying this story to you, dear reader? Because farts are funny, that’s why.
Let me know your reaction to Enzo’s expensive fart incident in the comments below, Cagesiders.