Have you experienced that sensation of fading away with age? Oh, it can be subtle. And most of us who gather here at Dressed for My Day work hard to stay relevant, modern, beautiful and stylishly put together so we don’t just fade into the woodwork. But despite our best efforts to the contrary, the very years we are blessed with sometimes feel like a thief as they gradually rob us of things like energy, good health, strength, youthful color, a full head of hair, smooth skin, inches in height, good posture, strong teeth and more. The truth is, physical beauty fades. We can slow the process down sometimes, but it will happen. To that end, today we begin a new inner beauty series, a Beauty that Doesn’t Fade with Age. Doesn’t that sound like some good news to you?

You and I both know or have known an older woman who actually somehow increased in beauty and vibrance as she aged. Yes, she still lost some hair and elasticity in her skin. The color in her eyes may have faded and her voice may have softened. Maybe once she stood tall, but now she is shorter than you. But you and others want all the more to be in her presence, to lean in and listen, to become more like her. While her physical attributes faded, the light that emanates from her only increased.
I’m a firm believer in developing the “patina of age” so that, like a priceless antique, our appearance holds some of its value. But with the visible effects of aging actually speeding up a little each year past 50, I am well aware that my physical beauty is not as vibrant as it was just a few years ago. So I’m excited to draw our attention – yours and mine – to ways we can invest in a beauty that doesn’t fade with age. The dividends will be great and the investment worthwhile. You’re going to love this deep dive into how to cultivate character, spirit, behavior and disciplines that will truly make you more beautiful with each passing day.
a Beauty that Doesn’t Fade with Age
What exactly is a beauty that doesn’t fade with age? I think this kind of beauty glows from within a woman who has cultivated truly beautiful character. While it’s not a bodily or outer charm, it does have a magnetic appeal that almost translates as a physical beauty.
In fact, this inner beauty may manifest in outward behavior, facial expressions, gestures and composure, so it leaves the beholder feeling as if he or she has seen a truly lovely woman, even if her physical features are not especially winsome. And this beauty that doesn’t fade can actually grow more and more appealing with time, while physical charm fades.
Examples of Topics We’ll Cover
In this series we’ll cover a wide range of attributes. We’ll talk about the beauty of:
- a calming influence
- courage
- a sense of humor
- good manners
- order
- honest self-evaluation
- encouragement
- joy
- wisdom
- and more…
Is this a Religious Series?
I know that many of my readers are Christians, as am I. We take our cues in all things from the Bible. And our greatest desire is to please God in all things. I absolutely love the Bible. I read it every single day. In fact, I read it through each year. And I’ve taught from the Bible to thousands of women and written Bible studies for women, too.
But in this series, the blog posts themselves will not generally mention Scripture, other than the rare instance here and there. I want these posts to appeal to a wider audience. Yes, I’ve prayed about this decision, and I feel like it is a good one. It’s important that the bulk of each blog post be something that speaks to any woman who may land here for encouragement and insight.
That said, as usual with all of my blog posts, the posts in this series will have a Blessed for My Day portion at the end. But instead of providing additional devotional thoughts there (because that would be redundant), I will provide scriptures and additional Bible reading you may want to do on the topic. And bottom line, yes, the precepts and thoughts expressed in the posts will all be biblically based even though I do not expressly say so in the writing.
I’m really excited about this format and I hope you will trust me with it. I think we’ll all be pleased with the outcome, and it will serve a higher purpose this way, too.
A Special Bonus
Because these inner beauty posts are not about me or what I’m wearing, we’ll have different photographs for these instead of the usual fashions photos. At the requests of so many of my readers, I’ve asked James if he will share some of his landscape and nature photos for this medium, and he has cheerfully obliged.

So you can look forward to seeing some of his better photos, those taken of much more interesting subjects than me! Truly, I think his photos will add the perfect visual backdrop for these, hopefully, thought-provoking blog posts.

I’m so excited about officially launching our first a Beauty that Doesn’t Fade with Age post tomorrow. We’ll be talking about The Beauty of Navigating Change with Grace. You’ll always be able to find all of the posts in this series through the tab in the menu at the top of this website that reads 2025 INNER BEAUTY SERIES.
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Blessed for My Day
When was the last time you had a discussion about spiritual things with someone who isn’t a believer? How did you get into that conversation? If it was a friendly, non-combative discussion, my bet is that the other person must have felt “safe enough” with you to enter into such a vulnerable conversation. Maybe they knew you were a Christian, but they must have also known that you are real, transparent, gracious and thoughtful.
My prayer is for this blog series to be a conversation opener both for those of us who know the Lord and those who do not. Please join me in praying that even women who are not Christ followers will come to these posts seeking encouragement, guidance and hope. And let’s enter into gracious conversations with them that honor God and that can be used for His purposes in their lives.
To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak; I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some. ~ 1 Corinthians 9:22
xoxo, Kay