Reflection 350: Beauty in Adoration

Willuconquer, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


The world is beautiful and reveals the beauty of God, but spiritual realities, such as the Holy Eucharist, are far more beautiful.  To see the beauty of God, present in the Most Holy Eucharist, you need eyes of faith.  One of the best ways to sharpen your vision of this beauty is through adoration.  Though receiving Holy Communion must be the ultimate union we experience with our Lord, adoration of Him, present in the Sacred Host, prepares you for this encounter by revealing His beauty.  Seek to adore Him exposed in the monstrance on the altar and let the eyes of your soul become enthralled by His beauty (See Diary #1692).

Do you ever participate in adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist?  If you have adoration regularly at your church, you are blessed.  If not, seek it out at a nearby church.  Adoration feeds your soul and reveals to you the beauty of God.  Reflect upon your experience of Eucharistic adoration and recommit yourself to a wholehearted participation in this glorious act.

Lord, I adore You with the most profound adoration as You are present before me in the Most Holy Eucharist.  I love You and seek to know Your hidden beauty and splendor.  You are glorious, dear Lord.  As I behold Your glory, draw me ever deeper into Your perfect Heart of Mercy.  Jesus, I trust in You.

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