Kid ‘n Play reflect on cultural impact upon induction into Berklee’s Hip-Hop Hall of Fame

BOSTON – November is Hip Hop History Month, the time of year that Berklee College of Music in Boston inducts artists into its Hip Hop Hall of Fame.

Kid ‘n Play, a duo inducted during this year’s ceremony, sat down with WBZ-TV for an exclusive interview.

How Kid ‘n Play formed

Christopher “Kid” Reid and Christopher “Play” Martin make up Kid ‘N Play, which became an unforgettable part of the soundtrack of many teen and young adult lives starting in the 1980s.

“Well, Kid was originally from the Bronx. And relocated to Queens where I was at. We eventually had a mutual love for what would be called hip-hop. Really it was just about what teenagers did,” Martin said.

“Back in the day when dinosaurs roamed on the Earth,” joked Reid.

Reid said the two decided to turn their friendship into an entry into the world of entertainment.

“Let’s do something together— never dreaming that it will lead to what it led to,” he said.

Kid ‘n Play’s cultural impact

It led to three albums, singles like “Funhouse” and “Ain’t Gonna Hurt Nobody” topping the Billboard charts. The pair also made films like “House Party” and “Class Act,” and even had their own cartoon.

During the festivities at the Berklee College of Music Hip Hop Hall of Fame induction, Kid ‘n Play also took the stage to perform. 

“It’s very humbling, just talking about still being relevant to some degree, still being thought about, celebrated, all of that. They call it now, ‘Getting your flowers,'” Martin said.

From Reid’s trademark high-top fade and the duo’s custom-made fashion, to the positive lyrics over energetic beats, Kid ‘n Play is important to the culture.

“God used hip-hop to save my life, became more serious with it,” Martin said.

Where is Kid ‘n Play now?

Martin and Reid were asked what their message would be to students at Berklee.

“Don’t quit, you know? And do you,” Martin said.

“Enjoy the journey. It’s going to be rocky. There are going to be ups and downs, there are going to be disappointments, there’ll be triumphs and tragedies, but enjoy the journey,” Reid added.

So what is Kid ‘N Play up to these days?

Reid is doing stand-up comedy and Martin is pursuing his passion for cinematography and documentaries, as well as partnering with HBCUs as an artist in residence.

They’re also being honored with a shoe made just for them by Patrick Ewing. You can now keep up with them on the Kid ‘N Play Funhouse Podcast.

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