‘McMahon guy’ Brad Blum resigns from WWE

Both Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer and PWInsider’s Mike Johnson are reporting that Brad Blum has resigned from his position as WWE’s Chief Operating Officer.

Blum has been with WWE for 18 years and has long been seen as a Vince McMahon lieutenant, serving as the former Chairman & CEO’s Chief of Staff among many other executive-level roles at the company. He resigned once before when McMahon “retired” during his 2022 hush money scandal, only to return when Vince did early last year.

His name recently became more well known when he was identified as the person referred to as “Corporate Officer No. 2” in Janel Grant’s sex trafficking lawsuit against McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and WWE. Grant’s case alleges that Blum facilitated Grant’s WWE employment while she was in a relationship with Vince but not that he was aware of the abuse she says she suffered in that relationship — something WWE reiterated in their response to the report identifying Blum and Nick Khan as part of Grant’s suit.

Johnson & Meltzer both report that Blum was not forced out, but made the decision to leave on his own. Still, Johnson writes that Blum’s departure “raised eyebrows” because of his history with McMahon.


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