City of Regina | Housing Accelerator Fund

The City applied to the HAF in 2023 and has begun working to advance our Action Plan initiatives (below). More information about each initiative will be made available in the coming months.


  • March 2023 – Housing Accelerator Fund launched by Federal Government  
  • June 2023 – City Council directed Administration to submit HAF application with action plan  
  • November 2023 – City Council passed motion directing Administration to amend HAF application increasing residential development permissions citywide and prepare bylaw amendments to support this change. 

Regina’s HAF Action Plan 

The City’s Action Plan outlines 11 initiatives that the City will undertake to increase housing development in the near and long-term. The Action Plan prioritizes the development of additional housing in central and established neighbourhoods to support investment and revitalization and increase diverse housing options citywide to meet the needs of residents. 

The 11 initiatives in the Action Plan include: 

1. Enable high-density housing development within the City Centre. 

2. Enable mid- and high-rise development along urban corridors and main transit routes. 

3. Advance the development of missing middle housing in central neighbourhoods. 

4. Support the provision of greater housing diversity in established neighbourhoods. 

5. Encourage conversion of non-residential buildings to residential (e.g., office conversions). 

6. Preserve and increase affordable housing in partnership with non-profit housing providers. 

7. Support pre-development work for housing projects, in particular affordable housing. 

8. Reduce Council approval for housing related Discretionary Use applications. 

9. Create a process for the disposal of city-owned land for the development of affordable housing. 

10. Align infrastructure planning in the City Centre and central neighbourhoods. 

11. Update the Development Charges Model to support long-term housing growth. 

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