Make your flood plan | NSW Government

Know your flood risk

It’s important to be aware of how flooding might affect your property and how high the floodwater could reach.

For further information on what risks you might face in your area, visit Understand your risk.

Why you need a flood plan

If a flood threatened your home, would everyone in your household know what to do?

One of the most important ways to prepare for a flood is to make a plan that everyone in your home agrees on.

Having a discussion now about what to do during a flood will help you make clear decisions in an emergency.

Make your flood plan

Develop a plan using the NSW SES Emergency Planner for households.

Use the farm flood readiness kit for landholders to help you identify the risks and hazards on your property.

Business owners and operators need to be prepared for the threat of floods and damaging weather. Now is the time to make an emergency and continuity plan for your business to help prevent damage to stock and keep your business open.

Once you have completed your plan, share it with family and neighbours so that they will be aware of your movements in an emergency.

Remember to review and practise your plan annually and after flood events.

Preparing an emergency kit

Preparing an emergency kit can save vital time in an emergency, especially if you lose power or need to leave your home quickly.

Know where to go in case of an emergency

Plan the safest route to travel in case you need to evacuate and identify the flood heights that could cut your property off.

Find your closest recovery or evacuation centre using the Disaster recovery map or by checking the SES NSW website.

Organise a place to stay outside of the flood-prone area.

Save emergency phone numbers

Keep local emergency numbers where you can find them quickly, such as in your mobile phone or on the fridge.

Call the NSW SES on 132 500 for emergency help in floods and storms.

Call Triple Zero (000) in a life‐threatening emergency.

Other important contact information

For flood support and services call Service NSW on 13 77 88.

If you’re deaf or have a speech impairment contact the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677.

For translating and interpreting services call TIS National on 131 450.

Managing animals

Planning what you will do with your pets and animals in an emergency will mean they will have a better chance of surviving. It’s essential you plan in advance for their safety.

Preparing to evacuate

If your area is on alert during or after a storm or flood, it’s important to be ready to evacuate at short notice.

Learn where to go, what to take and how to stay safe if you need to evacuate.

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